Party Member Spotlight: Jane

I thought I’d start a series talking about each party member, a bit of who they are, and how they play in battles. The main character of the game, Jane, makes the most sense to start with!

In her real life, Jane is going through a lot of grief. Her father is suffering from dementia and worsening every day, and her family is struggling to cope with the consequences of this terminal illness. Jane is a bit of a dreamer, however, and in her dreams, she is a princess of the land of Chimerada, where she dreams of saving her father each night.

In terms of battling, Jane is the one party member you’ll always have on your team- so she’s been built like an all-rounder to make whatever choice of other two party members you pick feel nice and balanced.

Somewhat comparable to the “Red mage” class of the Final Fantasy series, Jane can do it all- whether that’s melee attacks, damage-based magic, or healing-based magic. She doesn’t have as specific of an arsenal of actions as all of the other party members because her actions cover all of these bases- but it means she’s good in any situation.


Devblog 10 (and 11?) - Lighting, Portraits, Reviving & More!