Devblog 9- Music, Snow Areas and Particle Effects

It’s been a long two and a half months since my last dev blog. One of the biggest things I’ve been putting focus into is music- I’m not exactly a composer to begin with so there was a lot of rummaging through Udemy courses and making loads and loads of bad music, before I started to make okay-music. Another thing that sucked up loads of my time was working on the steam page for my game, as well as the announcement trailer for my game- including the music for said announcement trailer (learning to score is tricky when you have barely any experience composing in the first place).

As an example of some of the music I’ve made for the game I’ve included a clip of the main town with music below. It’s by no means finalized- but I’m focusing on creating and improving as I go rather than perfectionism here!

I’ve started creating art and writing cutscenes for the next area, which will be a snow based area. I hope you enjoy this really early look at the town!

As you can see above, there’s some snow falling- I’ve started adding some particle effects such as this to make the world feel more “alive”. Check out the leaves that now fall from the trees in the forest:

Another thing I’ve added in the theme of making things feel more “alive” is a more dynamic text system. The dialogue can now have shakey text, wavey text, or coloured text, and I can add more text types in future! I think this will make cutscenes more interesting and get across the character’s personalities more.

Over the next month, I’ll be working through some feedback I received and doing things like improving portraits, making the battle maps more tactical and less flat, and improving some animations!


Devblog 10 (and 11?) - Lighting, Portraits, Reviving & More!


Announcing Chimeral Fantasy!